Sometimes courage comes when you least expect it.

I've had a dream for a while to focus solely on my business.  I have an online shop and teach the craft of knitting and crocheting. Well that dream has finally come true.  

Believe me this was no easy decision or task.  Getting the support of my husband was the big part.  He knows me well enough to see the excitement in my eyes when I sell an item I've made or when I come home from teaching a class.  He understands that this is something that makes me happy.  I never thought it would be a reality to quit my day job and do this full time.  Lets not forget going to my boss saying, "I quit".  Well, I actually said, "I'm giving my notice".  I thought he would think I was crazy. Who does this now a days? Me!

The excitement I'm feeling is difficult to put into words.  The best way I can describe it is like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders.  I guess the real test begins.  Making this work.

You always here, "You never know until you try".

Stay tuned to see how this transition goes.


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