My Trip to Alaska

I just returned from vacationing in Anchorage, Alaska.  It's been a couple of years since I've been and this time I was determined to catch Alaskan Salmon and find local spun and dyed yarn.  This combination works well, right?

The great news is that I managed to accomplish both.  The fishing was amazing and I managed to catch my first salmon within a few minutes of fishing.   It was wonderful to catch, cook and eat within an hour.

Even more exciting to me was the local yarn artist I found, Denise Morrison.  Her store, Fiber N' Ice, was an adventure in itself to find but we did.  The store is small but she is planning to expand in the next year. I wish her the best.  What I found amazing about Denise is the love she has for her art.  And the love comes through in her yarn.  She so carefully selects the wool to spin and creatively selects her colors to dye it with.   The art takes a lot of time and patience.  It was a real treat to visit with her and see her pasion for her art.

I left with a number of skeins and could have purchase more if the pocket book was larger and I had more time.  I can't wait to create something beautiful.

I love purchasing from individual artist every chance I get.  You know what you are getting and know where it is coming from. I look forward to my next trip there to see how her shop has grown.  If you are ever in Alaska check it out.


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