Yarn Bombing Invitation
I was thrilled when asked by the San Mateo Parks and Recreation Department to yarn bomb one of their benches. WOW!! What a great invitation.
I've been teaching there for a number of years now and really enjoy the location and the students. Now you may be asking what is Yarn Bombing, well let me explain. This is an opportunity to cover an object with yarn. An example would be this bench (pictured). We will take a number of yarn swatches and join them together to cover this bench from top to bottom.
So, I need your help. In order to make this a successful yarn bombing I need current students, previous students and anyone willing to help out. I'm asking you to make a swatch (or more then one) and donate it to this project. The swatch can be knitted or crocheted. You can use any stitch or color of yarn you want. The more colors we get the more it will be noticed. The swatches size request is 9 x 9 inches or really any small swatch will help.
My goal is the collect 40 swatches of yarn over the next two to three weeks. Once the swatches are collected, I will need some volunteers to help me seam them together. The location of the bench is at the Senior Center in San Mateo, a place I believe will be most received and enjoyed.
Who is in?
I will keep you posted on the progress. Thank you in advance for the help.
I've been teaching there for a number of years now and really enjoy the location and the students. Now you may be asking what is Yarn Bombing, well let me explain. This is an opportunity to cover an object with yarn. An example would be this bench (pictured). We will take a number of yarn swatches and join them together to cover this bench from top to bottom.
My goal is the collect 40 swatches of yarn over the next two to three weeks. Once the swatches are collected, I will need some volunteers to help me seam them together. The location of the bench is at the Senior Center in San Mateo, a place I believe will be most received and enjoyed.
Who is in?
I will keep you posted on the progress. Thank you in advance for the help.