Animal Pattern

Hi guys!  For those of you working with me on the animal pillow I have written this just for you.

I want to walk you through the project so that you can move to the next steps without me.  I know we only meet once a week so if you are moving along on your project you don't want to wait for our next meeting, right?

This is a great project and a GREAT way to use up your stash yarn. This is why I encourage you to ONLY use the yarn you have and don't go buy anything new. We can build our stash yarn to a point it takes over hour storage box, closet, room, or house. You know what I mean.  So stick with what you have and you will be amazed at the results. You will learn more about color working projects like this then in any other way.

I have added tips on how to work the pattern through this blog.This may help in understanding the designer.

STEP ONE:  Pick your yarn colors and stick to it.  Don't change your mind, go with your first instinct.

There are three different shapes you will need to make and make sure you complete the right number of each. Double check, once I started to seam the pieces I was short two. Err!

Now I'm suggesting you use a worsted weight yarn because honestly, that's what most of us have. By using worsted weight this will enlarge the pillow greatly.  If you are concerned about size you can start at row 5 on each shape. This is what I did. Now, if you do all 7 rows it is still a great pillow, just a bit large. But kids, will love it regardless of the size. I will show you what others have done once they complete it.

Keep in mind to have your main color be what you join all the pieces together. This will make a difference.  I used black. I found using black made it a little challenging in seaming. (trying to find the stitches ;).

STEP TWO: If you have the time, block the pieces. I did not do this at first and later realized I will make it easier. I was just in a hurry to get it done to show you guys.  Take the extra step and block. I illustrate how I blocked the sections of the pattern. That works to.

STEP THREE: Follow the pattern instructions on how to match the pieces. I laid out my piece and worked it like a puzzle until I have it how I wanted it. Now I used several different colors (6 colors) so I needed to take the time and make sure I did not have two of the same next to one another.  If you choice two colors you don't have to do this step.

Once you have matched up the shapes (make sure of the shapes) you can begin to seam together. I used a running stitch to attach mine. You can whip stitch, chain stitch or single crochet them. What ever look you want to do.

Make sure you seam the FRONT, then the BACK and then the BOTTOM/SIDE pieces. The pattern maps out how to attach the pieces.  I found working the front, back and bottom it was easier to complete. So don't take a short cut here.

Keep coming back to this post. Is I advance through the pattern I will update this post.

I can't wait to see everyone's finished piece.


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