Just A Note

Wow!  Hello.  It's been a little while. 

Friends I hope you are doing well. So much has been happening, right?  The world is turning but now tilting sideways. That's how it feels to me.  Life is not centered and feeling a little off.

I wanted to write up this post to share the latest.  I've been busy with a number of things. Covid-19 has hit us all hard and we are all trying to adjust.  

I'm not saying I have a perfect plan but I'm at least moving forward. What that means is I am working on new classes, new products and more.  Staying busy.  I have so much more to share with you but I want to wait until they are 100% done and ready to share.  Please be patient.

For now, please check out my CLASSES tab for class dates.  More will be posted this week so check back if you have yet to see a class you are ready for.  So many are asking for classes and I'm working hard to provide you with what works for me as well.  I'm sure you know all my classes are now done via Zoom. This keeps us all save yet active in the craft.  

I'm happy with how the classes are going and it encourages me to create more. So, that is what I'm doing. 

If you have received my latest newsletter you got the latest information.  If you didn't get that newsletter, go to top of the home page and sign up.  You will get the latest and greatest updates first. First before any post. I appreciate those that follow me and I want you to be the first in the know.

Follow me on Facebook for my weekly live post. I am showing up for you with the latest info on crochet and knitting.  Have something you want to hear about, share below. I may just add it to my Facebook live.  

Oh, and Instagram, I"m there too.  Come check me out @jpaveydesigns. 

Stay tuned for more updates and don't worry I will be back on regular blogging soon. Very soon.  

Let's stay connected.  Many Thanks!!  xoxo




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