Five Travel Tips When You Knit or Crochet

If you are addicted as I am, you bring your knit or crochet project with you no matter where you are going. Am I right?

Knitting and crochet are part of my daily routine. It's so true. Here is why.  I'm a teaching, a designer, and a creator by doing both of these crafts.  I have also learned the health benefits of doing such crafts.  If you are not familiar with the health benefits let me keep this short and sweet. This can be a wonderful form of meditation where you escape from your day to day struggles, you can reduce your stress, and you are keeping your mind going with the challenges of working a pattern.  These are just the highlights. I could talk all day on this topic.

Being a teacher of the craft, I'm always working a new pattern or specific project for a class. In order to get it completed I need to work on it each day.  Now that you know I knit a lot and always have some type of crochet project in my bag, you understand why I'm sharing these trip tips.

These tips are all based on my experiences and I'd love for you to comment below with your list.

First off, the way you store your project is key. You want to have a good bag that will give you protections from the chance of snags or tears while in our suitcase or handbag. I recommend the Namaste bags. They come in a pack of three in different sizes. Another option is the zipper bags in a set of 6 that comes all different sizes.

Next, storing your tools, such as scissors (note: you still can not take these on a plane), markers, needles and a note pad. You want a magnetic tool box if you can. Namaste tool kit is shown above with the magnets on each side of the box so your items don't drop out. 

Next is protecting your pattern or notes from tears and spills. I highly suggest page cover sleeves.  You can get at any office supply store but here is a link to the ones I use. Note that using these covers is a great way to store your patterns in a binder. Protects and keeps you organized.

Lets talk about how you work in the car.  It's easy now because you can place both your project bag and the tool kit under the seat by your feet. You know it's not going anywhere unless you open the door and step out, forgetting that they are there. But while you are riding in the car you don't have to have them in your lap. The best part is where you place your pattern or notes.  Easy, on the glove box door. Yep, I had my notes on a post-it and stuck it right to the glovebox and it never moved until I took it off.  Keep a post-it note pad in the sleeve with your pattern.  Post-its are great for marking your place on the pattern too.

Traveling in a plane is much different. You need a little more coordination because you have people around you and you can't place items on other's seat nor do you want to crawl under those seats to find something. You will need to place your project bag on your lap and the tool kit could go in the back packet attached to the seat in front of your.  You know the pull down clip that hold up the table on the seat in front of you?  You place your pattern there and trust me it doesn't move.

With these tips I managed to not only enjoy my vacation but was able to be organized and got more of my project completed. Nothing was lost or missed up. Success!!

I hope you found this a little helpful for your next trip. Again, if you have a tip please share it below. I will also keep you posted if I learn any new tricks as well.

I appreciate you clicking these links if you found this helpful. I am affiliate with some of these items but not all of them. 


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