Blocking Is The Final Step

I'm always asked what is the final step in completing a project.  That's easy, blocking.

Blocking gives a clean, crisp, sharp look to your project.  It allows you to shape your project to its that final size. You can block it to straighten the edges, align the rows, or bring it to the point where it becomes lacy.

I recommend blocking all your pieces regardless of the yarn type you are using. I think taking that final step gives your project that professional look. Who doesn't want to give a gift that looks its best.

How do you block? Blocking can be done a couple of different ways. 1) Gently hand wash your item, lay it out and pin it to its shape, then let dry. 2) Lay your item out to the shaping and sizing you want by pinning it to a blocking board or towel, spray damp and let dry. (recommend distilled water) 3) Follow step two but this time instead of spraying it down, use your iron to steam over your piece until damp and let dry. Note: never lay hot iron on your fabric (yarn project) steam an inch over it.

Don't have a blocking board, no problem.  Depending on the size of your item you can lay it on an ironing board with a towel and use any method.  You can find a large surface like a table or even the floor and lay your towel down to block.  Use any surface that you can reserve for the time it takes your piece to dry.

The extra time you put into your piece will make it even more special to the one receiving it.  Take time to block and you both will be happy with the final piece.

I hope this helped and if you have any comments or questions let me know.


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